| Post date: 2020/11/4 | 

The Symposium

  • How is this different from a physical symposium?
This virtual symposium takes into consideration the different time zones in which all of its participants reside, and has adapted its protocols in order to allow for a rich discussion of science across space and time. These are challenging times, but by the virtues of truth, honor, late deliveries and plenty of coffee, the scientific community remains united. The Virtual Venue of the symposium contains all the necessary information for the conference:
  • How do events work?

As in a normal symposium, there are Oral Sessions, Keynote and Invited Speakers, Forums and Workshop. All events will be held live via Zoom webinar.

Each event has a page with all the relevant information and technical sessions have a link for the discussion space of each paper. All the events are in the Brief Program page.


  •  Are all events held online?

Yes. All events, Oral Sessions, Keynote and Invited Speakers, Forums and Workshop, will be held live via Zoom webinar.
You can visit the 
Brief Program to see which ones are of most interest to you.

  • What ?! Do I need to pre-register?
No, There is no need for pre-registration. Just join the rooms via provided link and passcode.
  • Can I access anything at any time?
No, All events will be live and you should attend them at exact time indicated in Brief Program. The live events will not be recorded.
  • What can I do at an event?
You can attend all events and watch presentations. At the end of each presentation there will be a quick Q&A session in which you can ask your questions via Zoom chat. These questions will be monitored and asked at the end to the presenters by the moderator.
  • How can I find the events that someone is involved in?

All events can be found in the Brief Program. Also you can search Detailed Program for more information. To find the events in which someone is involved, you can use the Keynote and Invited Speakers list to see the details of said participant and consult their respective events.

  • How do the Q&A work?
At the end of each presentation there will be a quick Q&A session in which you can ask your questions via Zoom chat. These questions will be monitored and asked at the end to the presenters by the moderator.
  • Are external individuals allowed on the conference’s events?
Yes, anyone can join events as guest.
  • Are recordings of the events allowed?
No. recording of live event is not allowed
  • Can anybody be banned from the events?
Yes, depending on the level of offense, one might have their comments removed, or their access banned from the conference. We will also need to comply with local laws regarding personal data.


  • Do I need to login for webinars?
You don't need account to login for webinars, Just use provided link and passcode for the corresponding room.

Presenting Authors

  • When do I have to present my paper?
You don’t. A presentation file should be recorded with the presenter’s voice narrating on the slides. The recording may also contain a small headshot of the presenter while narrating on the slides. Follow these instructions to add audio (and optionally video) to your slides. You should send .PPT file to us. Please see General guide to virtual symposium for more information.
  • Should I be online at the exact time of my presentation?
Yes, your pre-recorded presentation will be played at time of your presentation but you have to be online and participate in Q&A session after your presentation.
  • Are there questions to my paper and/or presentation?
Yes, after your presentation will be a Q&A session in which participants can post questions and you can answer questions.

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