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Important Dates
Paper Submission Deadline:
Notification of acceptance:
5 Sep. 2020 -
Submission of final papers Deadline:
25 Sep. 2020 -
21 April 2020 - 24 Nov. 2020
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Room 1 Link (Main Room)
Meeting ID: 990 5849 4926, Passcode: 640739
Room 2 Link (Parallel Sessions)
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Room 1 Live Stream
Room 2 Live Stream
WASOWC2020 Booklet Download
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Phone: +98-9383200808
WASOWC 2020 will be held online
Welcome to WASOWC
Prof. Beatriz Ortega Tamarit
Instituto de Telecomunicaciones y Aplicaciones Multimedia (ITEAM),
Universitat Politècnica de València, Spain
After a surge of research on key technologies of VLC systems, considerable bitrate have been achieved through various schemes, such as DMT, OFDM, MIMO, DPD... To promote the VLC technologies, attention should be paid also to its practical application scenarios, such as broadband access, optical networking and indoor positioning.
This talk will introduce the recent work in the State Key Laboratory of Information Photonics and Optical Communications. We designed and implemented a VLC networking system, with one VLC access point (VLC-AP) and several VLC user equipment models (VLC-UEs), operating through the self-developed protocol which maintains a simple mechanism of time division multiple address (TDMA). The user terminals (such as PADs and laptops) are connected to VLC-UEs via Ethernet interface and they can access the Internet through the VLC-AP and also they can perform peer-to-peer communication. Various files (such as txt, mp3, mp4 and so on), are able to be transmitted through real-time uplinks and downlinks in this network, including real-time voice and real-time video. The interrupted services are restored automatically. However, dynamic TDMA mechanism is to be implemented in the future and the flexibility at VLC-UEs is to be improved to support seamless handover from one VLC-AP to another.
Articles have been added to IEEE Xplore digital library
All articles presented in WASOWC2020 are indexed by IEEE Xplore Digital Library and are accessible via this link. More
WASOWC 2020 rescheduled for 24-25 November 2020
After careful consideration and a comprehensive review of information related to the coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak, the committee of West Asian Symposium on Optical More
WASOWC 2020 will be postponed due to concerns about COVID-19
Dear Professor/ Researcher, We deeply regret to inform you that the 3rd West Asian Symposium on Optical and Millimeter-wave Wireless Communications (WASOWC2020) will be postponed (from 21-22 April 2020) due to the global concern about the outbreak of COVID-19. The new dates will be announced on the website and by email.We ... More
Papers submission deadline extended
Due to a high level of interest from participants, we are pleased to announce that the paper submission deadline has been extended until 31 Dec. 2019. More
The First Call For Paper was announced
The First Call For Paper was announced. More